Saturday, April 08, 2006

My Come-Back

Here I am again... Sorry about that pause, I was in totall un-computer form... Yeah, I know, I'm in that form to much, and I became boring..,I understand if you don't wanna read this any more, I was really bad!!! I didn't write, didn't anserw your messiges, didn't review in your blog... But I HOPE I'll now... Sorry again... :`(

Anyway, here I am...
Listening: Nothing except stupid repermans... Ugh, I'm going crazy... But I think I'll turn on Renee Olsted in few moments...
Reading: Gone With The Wind by Margaret Michaelle I belive. Great book, love it!!! Oh, and Asterix and Obelix comics for 2nd or 3rd time... :D

Something Like Diary:
So, I need help: I wanna start to write book, but I don't know how many characters to have or what names to give. I think one character will be called Emily Vivien, but what about others? And do to have two main characters or three? Or maybe name Catherine Vivien is better? Oh, God, I'll go crazy! WHAT TO DO!!!
After all, Melly isn't helping me at all! She can't think of name or anything aboput her cahracter and she's not anserwing on my SMSes!!! So, what to do?

Anserw 1: Kll your self
Anserw 2: Stop waiting for Melly and writeing something on your heand
Anserw 3: Ask mum

Not goo, not good at all....

BTW, I though to write all about things I do and things I don't like. What do you think??

Hugs and kisses
from one and only

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"And how about if I do?"

Listening: This is Me - Skye Sweetnam (from The Barbie Diaries)
Reading: A Farewell To Arms - Ernest Hemingway

Something like Diary:
Yesterday, later, I was at art lesson. There was Luke (my ex-crush), Alex (totally crazy 18-year old girl, who I really adore, she's cool!) and later girl named Tanya came. Tanya goes to our school, she's 8th grade and she annoying! She have that squcky, sweet voice, she always smiles, she never gets angry, she's talkes 300hm/h and she's gossiper! Everything that she dones like isn't cool and it's 'totally out'! She doen 1/4 of her paining yesterday and it was so wrong that even my art teacher yelled! I mean HELLO! I never saw him yelling! He's artist, in clouds, and totally 'cool'. He never, ever yelled at anyone, at last I didn't saw him! But, Gosh, I'm glad he yelled on Tanya, if he didn't I would got up and spaled her ver her ugly, fta face. Even Alex 9who, I don't know how, liks her) said: "Tanya, and how about working a little today, ah?" And then she (Tanya) asked Luke what High school will he go in, and he said he'll get in sport high school. She asked him: "And how about, if you don't get in?" and he was like "And how about if I do?". It was soooo funny! He showed her, that little gossiper!

Although she was still talking! Gosh, she's like electric rabbit!

News at school:

  • I got half of 5 on France Revloution. I need to learn Napoleon to get 'whole' 5. It's soooo annoying!!!! Teacher that is...
  • Nothing new with Katie and Tiff. They just keep ignoring me.
  • I DONE SOMETHING THAT LOOKED LIKE THAT WHAT WE NEEDED TO DO ON PE! And I'm totally anti-PE person, trust me! I'm happy! Although my hands weren't... I felth like I broke them, honestly! And like I was totally drunked, everything was round... We needed to get to stand on our hands (up-side-down) and then turn around if you gte anything. Cause I don't!

Random thing:

I watched part of film'Stepmom' on TV today. Mum didn't gave me to watche it whole, since it was sad and she knew that I would start to cry. I nearly did, no matter it wasn't end.

Remainder to my self:



Valentine is soon and I, as always, am without boyfriend.

Kiss,Kiss! Your friend, Anya!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Just one for my boring friends who act like they are not 13, but 73!

Listening: Skye Sweetnam "This Is Me" (from The Barbie Diaries)
Listen it on:

Nothing new actully happened today except Melly didn't wanted to make another round around kindeergarden. Afrter school, if we have same number of classes, we go around kindergarden, walking, talking, laughting. Don't get me wrong, Mel is great, she's just to complicated! It's always something wrong with her and when we get out, when we walk, she must go home vary soon. I just wish I could talk to her after long and boring day at school, I juts need talking to my best friend. But she's not that tipe... Nobody of my friends is. :( So I told her that I'll call her Lassie to end of her life. :D What can I do?

Things and classes we had in school:
  1. st Class: Music. Learned: Death Leaves, Yesterday, songs. To Do: Learn those music instrumetns you done last class, learn this songs better
  2. nd Class: English. Learned: Adrerbs. To Do: Nothing, I done everything on class.
  3. rd Class: Math. Leared: Something stupid and boring, kill me if I know! To Do: Homework from that boring class, learn for test next week.
  4. th Class: Serbian. Learned: That book, "Pop Cira i Pop Spira" (Don't try to read, it's on Serbian, and I dunno what would English name be). To Do: Notjing really. I done everything for weekend.
  5. th Class: Biology. Learned: Some animles. To Do: Learn for test.
  6. th Class: PE. Learned: Boring! To Do: Kill teacher.

To do list:

  • Read History few times
  • Get redy to art lesson in time
  • Put cream on my hands.
  • Listend to CD mum lesft me
  • Eat (not sweets!)
  • Try not to kill Melly

Kiss, Kiss! Your friend Anya!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Changes in my life, myu blog...

It's just again one late post, but I was totally in not writting mood. It would be stupid to say that I will try to update more often because that's what I say every time, but sometimes I just don't feel like writting... Anyway, I'll try to start like new begging and to write here like in Diary.
What happened this dyas?
Everything! I don't know where to start? Should I start with that that Tina (from now showed as Tiffany or Tiff here) and Kati (From now showed as Katie here) stoped talking with me and Mila (from now showed as Melissa, Melly or just 'my best friend') cause we-really-have-no-idea-why! No, really! But I might have idea: I started talking and getting riends with other girls like Mimi (from Melly's class), Kaia (most popullar girl who, I found out, really like me, but thinks I'm too shy), Myra (totally hipper and crazy girl from our class). She's alwas tried to have us few around her and to can control us. I tried to understnd her, but she started to use me, saying about my pimples, laughing at me. I just staped and stared doing something what she didn't wanted me to do: Gettingmore friends, who are, no matter how little I know them, are better friends that she is. Katie just follow her. So Melly and I stated gteting out, and Tiffany and Katie ignore us, not saying 'Hello'. To be honest, I more like having 15 friends then Tiffany and Katie stainging on my way.

Second thing is that I got new mobile phone which I love! It's really cute and great!

Third think is *knock 3 times in wood* I started to get better marks at school. No more about it not to call bad luck. ;)

And last, but most important thing, is that I'll have 'show' (like those in Museums) of my painting and drawings! Yey, yey, yey! It'll be on 17th October, and I alredy started diet, started thinging what I'm gonna wear, what hair dress I'm gonna have and all that... :D A girl can dream!

That would be all from me for now... Oh, except my new fave singersses is Skye Sweetnam, Canadian teen-age rock singresses, who really can rock!

Kiss, Kiss!
Your friend, Anya!
Thanks Wrrior for putting pin on my guest map!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

One little post

Ok, Ok, you ahve every rule to hate me, I'm bad, varu bad friend: I haven't write, I haven't review. But this time I've really been busy and board to write, so I hope you'll understand me. I haven't spent much time on computer eather since I studied 9I got 5 from History! Yey!), got out with Mila (Gosh, we did made funny teorys about how we have twin brothers and sisters and about HP, like 'Voldy likes out music teacher (aka witch)' and 'Carrie (from Central Park West) is actully Harry's aunt'.), went on art lessons (There's one Alexandra and Anna that are lot older then me, but they are funny and I love spending time with them!) and watched TV (I watched over holiday ice skating and those old films, and old films make Bette Davis and Merilyn Monroe my fave actresses by side Vivien Leigh and How to Marry a Millionaire, The Visit , All About Eve and The Snows of Kilimanjaro join list of my fave films. The Snows of Kilimanjaro is saddest film I ever watched, but also one of best! I must take book, whcih is BTW written by Ernest Hemingway.) . So, that's what I done over holidays and that's what I do now, when school started. I'll try to update, but since I'm bord to write, I'll probably write little postes. I'll try to write most my story from HPANA. I really like doing it!

Thanks to Beaver and Siti for pins on my guest map and messiges on my guest book!

and Chcolate ;)
from your friend Anya!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Really boring visit to really boring cousns on really boring day.

Today I got up in noon what isn't so unusual since I fall a sleep everyday (night?) uin 2am. No mattter how hard I'm trying to sleep, even if I get in bed in 9pm, I always feel a sleet in 2am. Perhaps it's because I day-dream a lot, perhaps cause I don't even try to fell a sleep, I just always feel a sleep in 2am, like it or not.

If you ask me, I like it.
If you ask my parents, they don't.
But it just happen.

Never mind, when "Sleeping Beuty" (translation: me) woke up, she (me) had only 1 hour to get redy and go to her Grandmother named Cursed netherlander.

Sould I tell ya story about Cursed Netherlander? Well, it all started with that that Tina called my mum's mum 'Yellow Granny' and my dad's mum 'White Granny' cause color of their hair. On Geography class once teacher told us "There are three kinds of people on world: Yellow, Whit and Black" and since (on teacher's horror) I set with Tina most of time on classes (although I shold sit with, first with boy which I'll name Thomas and then with boy which I'll name Mark) I whisperd on her ear "There are three kinds of people on world: My Yellow Granny, My White Granny and Blck people". On big brake we talked abou that and decidedto call my yellow granny call 'Chinese', but how to call my White Granny? There are so many nations with Whute skin! So, since I watches SpongeBob that morning, episode with some guy called Cursed Netherlander, we decided to call my white granny like that.

God think is that she doesn't know that....

So, let's back on visit to White Granny. Actully it's pretty boring, so should I really talk about it. Never mind, let me tell just few words: My White Granny lives with my uncle (dad's half-brother, not same father) and her father (my grand-grandfather, who is about 80something) and go to visit them once in year. It's not vary nice, I know, but what can I say? Mum didn't went with us cause she and White Granny don't... ummm... like each other vary much (let's not go into detales...).

Can I skeep visit? It was vary, vray, vary, vary, vary, vary, vary, vary, vary...... vary, vary, vary boring... Main think is that we got home and that I had read Jane Eyre (not all) and OH MY GOSH Jane and Mr Rochester should get married! Ususally when I start reading book I need to finisth it, but I like this part so much that I even think to stop reading here and live thinking that Jane and Mr. Rochester lived happily ever after and got Adele lik their own daughter. What scares me most is that I have half book to read, and I know that if Jana and Mr. Rochester married now, there wouldn't be that half. That means that they might not get married and I was soooooo happy when I found out that they sould get married I even started to cry.

But I will finisth the book... And if I don't like ending, I'll just try to foget it and think that Jane and her Mr. (can't write his name all over agaian) lived happily ever after after all.

The End

and Chocolate
from your friend Anya!!

Kiss, kiss

P.S. My dear Beaver, thanks for commening honey! I love to watch Ice Skating so much that I promist my slef that I must lear to Ice Skate soon as posible. But it did happen few times that Mila nearly didn't killed me for yelling and holding her heand. To be quite honest, if I was her I would probaly take person who was with me (in this case me) and left it on middle of ice. Although Mila wanted to do then few times, and I don't blame her.

I still love Charmed and they are great show, but I ,dunno why, Love Centarl Park West more. It really strange and funny especially cause my fave character in show is evil, really evil, witch (i would say something else, but i'm polite person. you can guess what i wanted to say...) who nearly didn't payed with her life cause all things she done (aka: really bad things).

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Miracles happen... But I though not THIS kind of miracles...

Hey my dear, dear readers and frisned! It was long time no see, so I hope you won't mind that I'll just in few senesess say what's going on here. But fisrt I wannato wish all (little late) MARRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope this year will be best in your life! I hope you don't mind cause I didn't write for so long, I was over head with school, but now I'm on brake and it's all over so I havce time. Let's see what happened while I wasn't writting...

1)My mum had surgery on sinus cause she had cyst. It's not so dangerust. anlthough it could be. She's now OK, but she doesn't go on work what means that we are in house all day long. That meant that we are fighting, what we do... :P
2) I (nearly) learned to Ice Skate!!! Yey!!! Fun for all!! Although, since I was in Tusday with Mila on skating, yesterday I could barly move. Everything, starting with my head all to toes hurted. Don't ask, I felth misrable! Now it's little better, but still....
We should go today also, but some other girls (Myra, Mimi, Tanya, Natlie and Senka) couldn't go, and my worried mother don't let me to go alone with Mila in town... :S Sometimes parents are real pain in neck...
3)I had b-day (which was great) and I was on excursion (which was even better) but it would take to long to tell ya all about it... You'll just have to wait for next one *lol*
4)I spent first New Year with Kati, Mila and Tina, and I can tell it was SUPER!!! I loved it and we alredy started to make plans for next year! :P Although we won't make New Year in Mila's home like this year, since her mother nearly didn't got shock when she saw her apartmen.. :)
5) I got again on HPANA, and you can find me under name Saffy's Angle (that book rule!!!). I also again posted my fan fic. It's named The Witches Diaries and you feel free to read it.
6) I dunno how this happend, but Charmed aren't my favorite show anymore. Ok, should I tell ya how it happend and what is that "Amazing" show that raplaced Charmed?
Well, since my mum was about 10 days in hospital, and she had TV in her room, she started watching all shows what was on TV: Spanish shows, Step Forawaid, One Croatian show, few others and American show (what was originaly given in America 10 years ago) Central Park West. When she got home she continued watching shows, and everytime Central Park West was on TV I stopped by it. One day when show started, she called me to watch together, and I got that I like show. Now, when show is over, I got that I love that show more then Charmed (especially cause they stopped giving Charmed). I dunno why, since show is something I see everyday (evil, crazy reach people hungry for power), but I really like show... Crazy me...
This show that miracles really happen...

I belive that is it... Hmmmm... Dunno... If I remember anything else, I'll write.
I'll now try to take tim everyday and write blog and review other blogs, but I dunno how it will be when school start.

Good-bye for some time and see you soon my dears!

With Peace,
and Chocolate
from your friend Anya!

Kiss, Kiss!!