Tuesday, June 14, 2005

'Don't worry! Be happy!'

Mode: One word: Mix!

Ugh! I went to school today, and I had really *cought* interesting *cought* day. First on PE, I done it vary well, but after that I couldn't breathe, so I went home. There I was on all Russan class. After it, there was Math and written test. I was sooooo nervous! Mum told me to sigh deeply and that it's better to get 4 from math than crush of nervs.

When I got to school, friends told me that I got 5 from Russan. Well, at last anything. I done 4 from 5 problems. I couldn't done 5th, no matter how much I tried.

Then was Physic. I got 4 from test, but I asked professor to reform mark, so I got 5 on end of year. Best girl in class, Kaja, got 2, so I was vary happy with my mark and vary sad coz her mark. I knew that her mother will kill her. And it was even more harder to me to say her that she got 2. Oh my gosh, I don't know how I did that!

But beck on school. Since next class was Serbian, I tried to get 5 on end, but mole didn't give it to me. So I done test on our 7th class. I didn't solv 2 problems, coz I didn't have time. But I really don't care even if I get 4 on end of year. Mum told me that she won't tell on my wedding day that I got 4 from Serbian and Math on end of 6th grade.

After school, I went to Tina and I was there all day, listening Euro Vision, coping it, watching Garfield and Tiding her room. I had great time there! On wednestday I'll go to disco with school. I hope I'll have good time there! Yey! Soon is end!!! WAHOOO!!!

So, now I dicided 'Not to worry and be happy'! No schhol all summer, just 4 more day! I don't care for math, music OR serbian! Let life go it's way...

P.S. Kate, sorry coz I haven't review your blog! I'll see it tomorrow dear! I didn't had time this days.


At Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:42:00 pm, Blogger Kate said...

hey darling, good job on all your tests! sounds like your marks were excellent. well come by my blog whenever you can!


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